4 weeks before moving
- Before moving estimate it's cost
- Tour your house and decide which items should be discarded or donated to charity.
- Consider a moving sale. Our brochure "How to Hold a Moving Sale" will be helpful.
- Arrange transfer of school records.
- Transfer personal insurance records.
- Call doctors and dentists. They may recommend a colleague near your new home.
- Get copies of renewable prescriptions and request medical and dental records.
- Request pet's records from the veterinarian.
- Check homeowners / renter's insurance policies to see if moving is covered.
- Be sure your new home is protected by transferring fire, theft and other personal property insurance.
- If moving from an apartment, notify landlord and request apartment deposit back.
3 weeks before moving
- Plan to use up most food items before the move; perishables cannot be transported.
- Arrange to have major appliances serviced before you move them. If a company-paid move, check with your move coordinator first.
- Check and clear tax assessments.
- Notify the Post Office and get change-of-address forms. Notify magazines to which you subscribe. Note: You must fill out a change-of-address form for each person receiving mail at your address.
2 weeks before moving
- Arrange to discontinue utilities and delivery services.
- Return library books and other things you've borrowed.
- Collect things you've loaned, and items in the dry-cleaners, lay-away, cold storage, safety deposit box, etc.
- Protect your shipment from damage by disposing of flammables such as gasoline, fireworks, matches, cleaning fluids, bottled gas, aerosols, acids, and caustic drain cleaners, etc.
- Arrange connection of utilities in new home.
- Draw up a floor plan of your new home, and indicate placement of furnishings. It makes moving in much easier.
- Arrange for cable/satellite TV disconnection.
1 week before moving
- Transfer bank accounts, and ask your local credit bureau to transfer your records to your new city.
- Reconfirm travel reservations.
- Set aside maps, games, snacks, flashlight, and other items you'll take in your car.
- Gather medicines and important papers for the car trip.
- Your local service provider can help you with phone, internet, cable or satellite service for your new home.
- Drain gasoline and oil from small gasoline-powered equipment.
- Drain water from all garden hoses.
1 day before moving
- Put non-combustible cleaning supplies, toiletries and other items you may need first in special boxes to be loaded last, unloaded first.
- Finish packing all suitcases.
- Defrost, clean and dry refrigerator and chest freezer.
- It's helpful to update current contact information for friends and local businesses before the big move.
- Make final check of every room and storage area. Make sure windows and doors are locked, keys are transferred and lights are out.
Note: It's a good idea to be at your new home a day ahead of the move so you can make sure utilities are connected, and plan placement of major items in your home.
- Insurance companies (Life, Homeowners, Health, Auto)
- Local credit bureau and creditors
Items you'll take in your car
- Cash or Travelers Checks for trip
- Emergency Road Equipment (Tools, flares and a flashlight)